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5 tips for surviving the holiday season!

Lockdown is finally over and Christmas 2022 will be the first year with no restrictions. We’re all looking forward to catching up with family and friends for food and festivities!

But let’s be honest – having friends and relatives to stay at Christmas can be daunting. Beds to make, meals to prepare, rooms to tidy and on top of all that… you’re expected to be welcoming and sociable ; )

So here are some top tips to help keep you sane:

  • Delegate meal prep – don’t feel like you have to do all the food shopping and cooking. Ask relatives to bring a dish with them to spread the cost and save time in the kitchen.
  • Don’t feel forced to provide an enormous festive feast. It’s easy to feel pressured by adverts and Instagram to make everything perfect – and that’s not reality! Stick to what makes you feel comfortable, and give your guests the gift of a happy host or hostess.
  • Give people jobs! If you have quite a few guests coming at once, ask if someone can be on drinks, another on nibbles, and someone else on clearing plates. That way, you might actually get a chance to sit down, have a mulled wine and enjoy yourself.
  • Take time out if you’re feeling stressed or tired – have an afternoon nap or a long soak in the bath in the evening to recuperate.
  • Try Ashwagandha – we love it for its ability to reduce anxiety by lowering cortisol levels, and improve resistance to stress. Or give our Get Me Through The Day Tea a go for when you need a boost.

For more suggestions on getting through the Christmas period, read our post 6 Easy tips to feel your best over Christmas and Why are you so hungry the morning after a big meal? (Navigating the season of over-indulgence…)

Plus festive-themed nutrition advice and recipes: Your Christmas guide to polyphenols and 3 reasons to love your sprouts this Christmas, all in the Gut Health Express blog.

Remember you can live chat with a Nutritional Therapist any weekday from 8 am to 8 pm. We’re here to answer your questions!

Questions? Talk to a Nutritional Therapist on live chat!

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