Some things in my health routine come and go. Some come and stay. You know?
But there are two things I truly, madly, deeply take every day: CG kefir and CG Complete Prebiotic.

Because the damn world is constantly attacking me, trying to harm my gut health, that’s why! Stress assaults my delicate gut bugs. Chemicals sneak in, despite my best efforts. Sugar – well, sugar happens. Not gonna lie. I have grandchildren, and I bake cakes! (Blaming the grandkids, see, since they’re not here to object…) And antibiotics – I try to avoid them but we all need them from time to time. And the biggie for me, at nearly 60 – AGE.
As you age, your microbiome gets depleted. Sucks, but true. “The gut is one of the organs that is most severely affected by ageing; age-dependent changes to the human gut microbiome have been linked to increased frailty, inflammation and increased susceptibility to intestinal disorders.” Frailty, GAK! No thank you.
So, the kefir puts those good bugs back into your system. And then the Complete Prebiotic feeds those bugs. There’s no point putting those fragile little bugs into your system, if you’re only going to starve them once they get there. That’s like taking home a new puppy, but no puppy food. It’s just mean. You’ve got to look after your gut bugs. They’re counting on you!

But don’t gut bugs get fed from our regular daily diet, you might ask? Well, kinda. Thing is, your gut bugs eat fibre. That’s all they eat. That’s all they care about. Literally they don’t care about amino acids or proteins or vitamins or anything else. JUST FIBRE.
And are you actually eating enough fibre? Chances are, you’re not. The World Health Organisation says we should each be getting 30 grams of fibre a day. But only 9% of UK adults are getting that much. Most adults only consume between 10-20 grams per day. 2,guide%20will%20make%20everything%20clearer.
If you’re feeling smug right now because you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, I’ve got some bad news for you – fruit and veg alone are not enough for your gut bugs to thrive. At CG we know this because we’re constantly doing consultations with our microbiome test customers – and people who eat fruit and veg, but don’t take a prebiotic, have a lot of red scores on their test. (Red = needs urgent attention.)
That’s because there are 18 different kinds of fibre that your gut bugs have evolved to process. Different bugs specialise in different kinds of fibre. It’s a bit like one of those fancy aquariums with lots of different types of salt water fish – they all have different dietary requirements. You can’t just chuck in a handful of goldfish food, and consider the job done.
This is why we created the Complete Prebiotic in the first place. Clients were looking at the microbiome test scores, were alarmed to find that they lacked certain types of fibre, and then were getting really tired of trying to find, source, cook and eat the funky esoteric foods (Maitake mushroom, anyone? Where do you find it? How do you prepare it?) that provided those fibres.
So here at CG we found natural sources of all 18 types of fibre and combined them into a packet. Chuck a spoonful of this crazy powder into your morning power shake and away you go – quick and easy! All gut bugs happy and fed.
This is why I take it every day. And if I stop taking it, I literally notice the difference within days. I won’t go into detail – but it very quickly improves your morning – erm – processes. (I still remember one email from an ecstatic client who wrote in and said, “Makes me poop like a god!” Quite. Anyhow…)
Also – and this is a bit nuts – but we’ve got scientific research that shows that within 6 weeks, the combination of our kefir and our prebiotic will improve your mood. Seriously! The results were described as โstriking and enlightening,โ and it’s hard to get scientists that excited about anything! The report reads that this synbiotic drink (synbiotic being the combination of probiotic kefir + prebiotic ) “can reduce fatigue and improve focus within six weeks of intervention. Participants reported a noticeable decrease in daytime sleepiness and an increased sense of immersion and engagement in their work. More importantly, they experienced an uplift in their overall life satisfaction and a heightened sense of flourishing.”
Have a look yourself here – 3 It’s a quick read, and amazing stuff!
Not gonna lie to you – I need uplift in life satisfaction and a heightened sense of flourishing. So if I can get it from a safe, natural dietary intervention that has lots of up-sides and NO negative side effects – well, crack on Dai John!
Give it a go! You’ll never go back –
Shann Jones MBE

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